Saturday, January 9, 2010

Idiot Flesh - Idiot Song

Here's a lovely little short film/music video for you guys. "Idiot Song" by Idiot Flesh, directed by Annmarie Piette.
Its quite possible that some of you won't have seen something quite like this for a fair old while, if at all. Me, I watch and listen to this kind of stuff all the time, so I'm used to it.
Every time I watch this clip I get a strong feeling of calm, with a tinge of nostalgia for some reason. It could have something to do with the way its shot and edited, and the way the images are so congruous with the music.
I like how it takes one on a little journey without the need for any sort of pretension to a thematic "point A to point B to point whatever" structure.

I guess what I'm also trying to say is that I think vibrant and lively videos such as this beat the pants off the dull and creatively void wasteland of most "popular" music videos.
Its best viewed in a dark room whilst wearing headphones for full effect.

You need to go to the dentist Nils.
Could you imagine these guys working in an office cubicle somewhere, or some shit like that? No, these are the types of creatives that belong out and about, wild and free, peddling their saucy aural and visual wares throughout the land(s), unconstrained by the dullards that choke up this world with their narrow-minded, "neatly fits into a slot" prosaicism*.
Sorry. I was starting to go off on a tangent there. Its too early in the morning for my particular brand of revilement.

You might recognize a couple of the fellows in this clip, Dan Rathbun and Nils Frykdahl, as being from the band Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. I, like many others, became aware of Idiot Flesh after getting into SGM. There isn't a heck of a lot of information available on Idiot Flesh, but I've gathered together some of the better stuff that I've gleaned from my internet wanderings, should you be interested in finding out more about this band.
Idiot Flesh's music is the type of music that grows on you, with more layers of depth and substance revealed to the listener over each subsequent listening. So they're a band that requires some patience, but that greatly rewards an investment of said patience.
At least I think so at any rate. Your tastes in music may be far removed from mine.

You can find out more about Idiot Flesh at the links below:
Idiot Flesh Wikipedia entry.
Idiot Flesh myspace. The Idiot Song video is also on the myspace page, on autoplay, just below the song player. Click on the video to stop it so you can hear the tracks on the song player.
Lyrics for Idiot Song.
Carnival of Flesh. A brief yet revealing article on Idiot Flesh written back in 1998.

There are also plenty of Idiot Flesh songs floating around on youtube. Start off here and have a poke around.

*Not that I'm saying that everyone who works in an office cubicle belongs there, or wants to be there. My vicissitude is only directed at the types of people who want to be working in an office or some such. Or who are at least fairly content to work in such a job.