Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Murder Burger

Whew. Let me just preface this post by saying that the last few days have been exhausting for me, as I've been caught up in helping the cops find a missing boy. He was found yesterday, in part because of my hunch that he was in a certain room of a certain hotel, against his will. It feels good to use my divinatory abilities to help others.

Click to embiggen.

Anyway. on with the post.

That cat wants to nibble on your fleshy bits.

Murder Burger is a burger place located on Ponsonby Street in Auckland, New Zealand.
As you can see, they have no qualms about any potential offense they might cause non meat eaters, or any other members of the public for that matter. Just check out their adverts and you'll see what I mean. My favourite adverts there are the first and last ones. I actually have a flyer featuring the first ad in that list on my refrigerator.
The whole vibe this place throws out is pretty much one big celebration of meat. Meeeaaat, coupled with this somewhat laddish sense of humour.
If you peruse their menu you'll see that even their salad is comprised of nothing but different types of meat. Even their website is "powered by meat". And look at their shirts, which are ironically something you could wear to a Morrissey show and probably be commended for in the minds of fellow gig goers not in the know.

Is the food any good? I honestly can't say from personal experience. I've only been in the store twice, and that was with friends who were ordering food there, and I didn't order anything. Said friends quite enjoy the food there though.

Something that is well worth doing on this site is going through the blog archives, as the blog posts are almost exclusively comprised of photos of cool, interesting and sometimes quite hilarious random things.

I hear if you say "Moider Boiger" three times whilst looking into a mirror, a portal will open up over your head from out of which a bucket load of pig blood will fall, dousing you à la that famous scene in Carrie.

☠ Chloé


  1. That is one weird place to go and talk about. That's why I'm subscribed to Randomitronica. =D Must I deduce there's only one of those in the whole world? D=

    Oh, come on, you never ate there? You just watched? Aw, man.

    Morrissey murders wearers of Murder Burger shirts. o_O That vegan nazi.

  2. We just don't have anything this cool in the UK.

  3. Yep, there's just the one Murder Burger outlet at the moment guys. Maybe it will branch out into overseas markets given time?

  4. Let us hope so, ms. Kovac. It'll be so fun to see PETA try to shut it down...
