Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Couple Of Creepy Animations.

Halloween is drawing near, so what better time to celebrate with a couple of fine filmic examples of spookystuff?
With that in mind, I've decided to post a couple of clips of a creepy nature. Creepy as in "designed to give the viewer goosebumps" not creepy as in "old man lurking around a park wearing nothing but a long raincoat" creepy. Hopefully its dark where you are so you can turn off the lights, put on some headphones and turn up the volume in order to enjoy the full effect. Mwooohahahahhaaa!

First up Smile, is a short CGI enhanced student film from Israel by Yuval Markovich and Noam Abta, produced at Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design in Jerusalem some time ago. Warning: the preceding link is to their showreel, which features various instances of at times rather graphic animated violence.

Egads, that cat!

Personally, I regard Smile as being a fine example of creeping paranoia in action.

Next up is a trailer for the excellent 2007 French animated film Fear[s] of the Dark (Peur[s] du noir) which is all kinds of gorgeous.

If you enjoyed that I highly recommend you track down a copy of it. Its masterfully constructed and works on a number of visceral levels, really worming its way into one's subconscious in a delicious fashion. You can read a bit more about it here.
Official website (in English) is here.
And (at the time of writing) you can see a segment of it on youtube right here.

☺ Chloé


  1. I remember the first time I saw Smile a year or so ago it freaked me out for a week. But then again, I'm a massive weenie.

  2. When I saw the duration of Smile, I thought "hmmm, I won't actually watch it, I'll take a quick look", yet, the movie persuaded me to watch it thoroughly. =O
